Tuesday 23 October 2007

The Best Competition Ever?

Well, it could be. Depends what you like really , if you're not a fan of Joe Abercrombie then this probably isn't the competition for you!
Are you one of those people, like me, who really enjoyed 'The Blade Itself'/'Before They Are Hanged' and have been chewing their fingernails waiting for 'The Last Argument Of Kings' to make it onto the bookshelves? Are you jealous of those bloggers who will be getting their hands on a copy in the next few weeks? Well, Joe is striking a blow for 'Johnny Public' by giving away three bound proof copies of 'Last Argument'(over the next three monthes) on his blog. And he's going to sign them as well. Want some of the action? Have a click right Here and do as the nice man says...

1 comment:

  1. Nice!!! Thanks for catching that Graeme. I'll have to make a mention of it on the website :D


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