Tuesday 11 September 2007

Win a copy of 'Dead Men's Boots' (unless...)

Unless you live in America, I'm afraid :o( Orbit have given me six copies to give away but copyright issues prevent them from sending the book to the US. By way of apology, if any American reader wants to know what happens I'm making the 'one time only' offer to read selected excerpts over the phone... (on your bill though)
For the rest of you folks, how do you fancy winning a copy of Mike Carey's latest Felix Castor novel? Being in with a chance is as simple as ever. My email address is at the top right hand corner of the screen, drop me a line telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. It's that easy.
I'm off on holiday next week so I want to get this one turned around as quickly as possible (so that you guys aren't left waiting). Therefore, your emails need to be with me by Thursday evening so I can announce the winners on Friday. Because of the timescale, if you don't give me your mailing address then you won't be considered...
Good luck guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hmph! When are they going to start letting us U.S. readers in on the joy?


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