Saturday 8 September 2007

Which Noble House are you a member of?

I'm a huge fan of George R.R. Martin's 'Song of Ice and Fire' and have often wondered which of the noble Houses I would have been part of (always secretly thought of myself as a Stark or perhaps a Lannister, who wouldn't?).
Well, thanks to The Book Swede I've found an online quiz that will answer my very question. I've been left wishing I hadn't asked when I came back with the answer of...

Yep, I'm a proud member of House Tully. The first line reads "Dutiful. Affable. Total doormats. The kindest and gentlest of the houses, you are of House Tully." Oh dear...
I'm not going to put the whole blurb up as, quite frankly, it's pretty embarassing. Instead, why don't you have a go by clicking Here...
Good luck!


  1. It appears we're polar opposites, Graeme.


    Does this make us enemies?

  2. I'm house Tully too, mate! Hurray for doormats!

  3. I got House Stark, which is actually the one I would have thought I was closest to.

  4. House Tyrell, which makes sense since I'm politically cynical and I like flowers more than your average straight dude.

  5. I ended up House Targaryen, which seems quite correct.

  6. Oh you poor, poor man :P

    I'm Lannister.

    I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill most everyone you know. I hope this isn't a problem?

    Just thought I'd ask. La Gringa, of House Targaryen, did take exception, when I sadly announced I'd have to "remove" most of her family.

    Just living up to my family name, that's all. No hard feelings, eh?!


    The Book Swede

  7. I'm Targaryen too. Apparently I'm quite hot blooded.


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