Sunday 30 September 2007

What Sci-Fi/Fantasy Magazines do you read?

WHSmith's doesn't have a great selection so I want to know more about what's out there! :o) Every month, we all descend upon our local newsagent to find out what's new in the worlds of science fiction and fantasy, even though we all watch enough tv/surf the net to know what's new before a magazine can tell us... Some of us will even buy more than one magazine even though they all essentially tell us the same thing! Without pimping my favourites too much I'm a big fan of SFX and Deathray magazines, SFX for it's slightly irreverent style and Deathray for the sheer quantity of information that it manages to jam into it's pages.
But there are more magazines out there, some of which you'd only ever notice if you're one of those types who roots around in every corner of the comic book store. And what about all of those fanzines that you only ever hear about ten years after they've stopped being published?
Here's a question for anyone who doesn't live in the UK; if I was to come and visit your country, what sci-fi magazine would make a decent read while I was there? (Let's assume that I'm multi-lingual, which I'm not...)
Tell me what your favourite read is (and why) and give me some food for thought next time I'm looking for a magazine to read, now I'm going to crack open a beer and read the latest edition of 'Deathray'...


  1. This is weird -- I was just about to post on this subject! It was more of a plea, though...

    Because I have no idea when it comes to SFF magazines, have never read one. I'll be very interested to see what people say!

    I'm interested in ones that actually publish stories, too...

    Neat! You've saved me a post! ;)

    The Book Swede

  2. I've picked up Interzone for the last year or so but find it hard to sit down and actually read the short stories...

    If you have a Borders anywhere they carry the American short story mags...

  3. I also like Death ray and SFX they complement each other well.

    I used to read interzone but find the fiction a bit too experimental for me.

    Chris you might like reading the Hub magazine as it is free and has a story in every issue!


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