Friday 14 September 2007

'Dead Men's Boots' - The Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered. Unfortunately though, there could only be six winners and those lucky lucky people were...

Stacey Whittle, South Shields, UK
John Hammond, Lancaster, UK
Brian Stabler, Beverley, East Yorkshire
Tom Lloyd, London
Elizabeth Pacey, Watford, UK
Zoe Hodgins, Co. Kildare, Ireland.

Well done guys, your books should be with you very soon!
Don't be sad if you didn't win this time, there will be more competitions in the near future. Come to think of it, there are competitions happening on other blogs even as I speak! Check out Pat's Site, Fantasy Book Critic and The Book Swede amongst others...
I'm off for a weeks holiday tonight (woohoo!)and while I'll still be posting, it won't be as much as normal. Don't let that stop you from hitting the site three or four times a day though (just to see if I've posted anything)... ;o)


  1. Fantastic new I've won a copy of the book. I look forward to reading it very soon. Many thanks Graeme.

    John Hammond

  2. Thanks Graeme. I look forward to receiving and reading my copy!

  3. Tom Lloyd, of London?

    You cheeky b*stard.

  4. Thank you Graeme. I look forward to reading it as soon as it arrives. You write a brilliant blog.

    Zoë Hodgins

  5. Come back soon! Midnighter seems to have the most amazing luck - this is about the fifth comp I've seen him win; one of them on my blog!

    Ditto what Joe said (and I'm not even sure what he meant). :P

    The Book Swede

  6. What can I say? I'm a bit of a competition freak!

  7. You freak, I've only ever won one blog contest in my life -- and that was on Pat's site, where the odds of me winning should have been drastically reduced! :P

    I did consider entering my own contests under an alias, but for some reason, I always get caught out.

    Here's hoping your winning streak ends! :D

    Only kidding,
    The Book Swede

  8. Yay I am a winnar.

    Sorry it took so long to post I was in the glorious Highlands too then the less glorious Weston Super Mare. Yuk!

    Looking forward to reading it.




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