Saturday 4 August 2007

News from Pan MacMillan Books

If you're a Peter F. Hamilton fan then the odds are that you've already picked up a copy of his latest sci-fi epic 'The Dreaming Void'. However, the more discerning fan may be looking for something that's a little bit more special... Steven North, at Pan MacMillan books, may have just the very answer.
What's better than the new Peter F. Hamilton book? The new Peter F. Hamilton book that is boxed, signed and only available from Pan MacMillan. Have a click Here
for more information...

Also, for anyone after a bargain holiday read , Pan MacMillan are offering a 20% discount on a whole load of sci-fi/fantasy books including Peter F Hamilton, Neal Asher, Alan Campbell, Hal Duncan and David Bilsborough. Have a click Here for more information...

Thanks to Steven North (Pan MacMillan) for the heads up!

Have a great weekend guys!

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