Tuesday 14 August 2007

Joe Abercrombie to write more books!

Joe Abercrombie has announced, over on his Website that he has just signed a deal with Gollancz to write two more books set in the same world as 'The Blade Itself' and 'Before They are Hanged'.
In the man's own words,

The first is going to be called Best Served Cold, is set in the warring city-states of Styria, and, in case you hadn't guessed, is about revenge. It's largely planned out and the first couple of chapters drafted. If forced to sum it up I'd probably call it a fantasy thriller, light on the magic and heavy on the blood, treachery and poison, with the usual hefty portions of dark grey characters and black humour. And there'll be elves. An awful lot of elves.

Only kidding.

This is the kind of news that brightens up a particularly grim day in the office! It's a shame about the elves though... ;o)

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