Friday 17 August 2007

'El Sombra' - Competition Winner!

Thanks to everyone who entered. Unfortunately there could be only one winner and that lucky fellow is Gordy McClean (Pope Gordy on the SFX Forum) from Greenock, Scotland. The book is on it's way Gordy!
There will be more competitions in the future (can't say when for the future is a funny thing…) so stick around if you fancy your chances at winning quality Sci-Fi and Fantasy books!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Woohoo! I'm well chuffed!

    A big thank you to Abaddon for the competition prize and to Graeme for only needing the merest modicum of bribery and some light kidnapping of relatives to 'randomly select' me as the winner.

    Can't wait to read the book. It sounds like a blast.

  2. Well done, Pope Gordy. But I am surprised that your bribery worked.

    I had a bag full of kittens waiting to be thrown into a pond but still, he refused to let me win :P

    I'm reading El Sombra at the mo, it is good.

  3. Kittens? You never told me about the kittens....

    Oh well ;o)

  4. Now, no one rang my bell and told me drowned kittens were served! I'd be happy to give up my prize in return for some watery-based mewling.

  5. I shall bear it in mind for next time ;)


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