Sunday 19 August 2007

A couple of things coming up this week...

Orbit Book's big fantasy debut, for this year, has been Karen Miller's 'The Innocent Mage'. I reviewed it and although it wasn't greatly original the depth of characterisation made this a novel that I really enjoyed. I was very suprised to get an email from Karen, thanking me for the review I gave her book, and I thought I'd chance it and see if she was willing to do an interview. Not only was Karen willing but I had the answers back a matter of mere hours after they had been sent! Karen says some really interesting things about the process behind her writing and why her debut series is only two books long (unlike others I could mention). I'll be posting the interview tomorrow so be sure to stop by and see what Karen has to say.

I'm also deep into David Anthony Durham's debut fantasy novel 'Acacia'. I've heard a lot of good things about this book and wanted to check it out myself. After a couple of hundred pages I'm in awe of how good this guy is (so much in fact that I'm wondering if this really is his debut novel and he hasn't got a couple more hidden away). I'll be posting a review sometime this week.

As well as these two bits, expect to see more book reviews and a tantalising glimpse into my state of mind as I crumble under the relentless pressure of the daily commute...


  1. Graeme,

    You're actually right about David Anthony Durham. Acacia isn't technically his debut novel, in fact he has three others under his belt. Acacia just happens to be his Fantasy Debut.

    David's other novels are generally classified at Historical Fiction and are titled Gabriel's Story, A Walk Through Darkness and The Pride of Carthage. These three novels have actually been quite well received critically, so David's name is only new to us recluses who don't step outside the Fantasy and SF genre! Which really is a shame. The Pride of Carthage is near the top of my "To-Buy" list!

  2. If 'Acacia' is anything to go by I may have to look for a copy of 'Pride of Carthage' myself. There are so many good fantasy books coming out this year! :o)


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