Tuesday 10 July 2007

'Saturn Returns' Competition - Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered the ‘Saturn Returns’ competition (and thanks to George Walkley, from Orbit Books, for supplying the books!). One day I’ll be able to give a book to everyone who enters my competitions (although that would mean they're not really competitions…) but right now only ten people can win a book.
The lucky winners are,

Jamie Starbuck, Plymouth, England
Eric Munscher, Jacksonville, USA
Jeff Timmers, Colorado, USA
Michael J. Bell, Kansas City, USA
Shane McGrath, Cork, Ireland
Stephanie Toland, Illinois, USA (I really need your address otherwise you don’t get your book!)
Julie Uldall Jensen, Denmark
Syed Zaidi, London, England
Lance Lowe, Ilkeston, England
Naomi Sweeney, Hazelbrook, Australia

Well done guys, your books are on the way! Everyone else – there are more competitions in the pipeline (including two in the next few days) so stick around if you fancy another chance at winning free stuff…


  1. Thanks so much, Graeme, for the free copy. This is a first for me - I've never won a free book before.

    I've been wanting to try Sean Williams for quite some time and this will certainly be my incentive.

    Thanks again.

  2. Yeah! Thanks! I sent you an email with my address. I never win anything, so I'm pretty excited!

  3. woot!! thanks Graeme, can't wait to read this one.

  4. Thanks for the book! Can't wait to get my hands on it having read your review.

  5. It's great to see such a wide range of countries represented by the winners!

    What's not so great is that I didn't win! Ahh, well, there's always next time.

    Thanks go out to Graeme and Orbit Books for the cool contest!

    A Dribble of Ink

  6. Hope you like the book guys :o)
    Better luck next time Aidan, there'll be more of these competitions in the future so stick around!

  7. WoooooT!!! Cheers Graeme, My first comp win!!(probably last aswell)

  8. Thanks for having this contest, Graeme. I'm really looking forward to reading the book when it gets here.

  9. Thanks! Winning the competition is all the sweeter because it was my birthday a couple of days ago.


  10. Books arrived and i didnt even realise it was signed!!! Thanks again Graeme.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. My book arrived today!! Wahoo! It was even signed! Thanks, Graeme!


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