Wednesday 18 July 2007

'Odalisque' Competition - Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered but unfortunately there could only be ten winners. The lucky folks who will be receiving a copy of ‘Odalisque’ (very soon) are…

Robert Thompson, Washington, USA
Daniel Minett, Manchester, England
Emily Hutchinson, Harrogate, England
Gustav Nylund, Sweden
Jason Farrell, Florida, USA
Zoe Hodgkins, Ireland
Joshua Lew, New York, USA
Charles Franz, Vancouver, USA
Nicola Manning, Ontario, Canada
Josh Meyer, Utah, USA

I hope to run more competitions in the near future so stick around if you fancy your chances at winning free sci-fi and fantasy books!


  1. Graeme,

    Thank you very much. I can't wait to read Odalisque. Brilliant reviews here as well.


    Zoë Hodgins

  2. I don't know what to say, seriously. I've been entering online giveaways for anything & everything for years now and I've NEVER won before. So this is pretty damn cool. Hopefully it means my luck has changed :D Thanks so much!!!

  3. Wow, thank's a lot. You are too kind. I appreciate the book. Odalisque seems like a good read so I look forward to having a nice copy in my hands.

  4. Wow! Thanks so much! I can't wait to read Odalisque, it sounds so good!

  5. Thank you, Graeme, I'm looking forward to reading it. For some reason I rarely pick up female-written novels.

  6. Thanks Graeme! (Jason here) I had forgotten about this contest, but remembered your positive review, so I was tempted to pick this book up when I was at Barnes the other day, but picked up some Vernor Vinge instead. Looks like I made the right choice :). Look forward to diving into this one soon!

  7. Brilliant - many thanks! Congrats to all the other winners too :)


  8. I hope you all enjoy the book as much as I did ;o) The books are on their way to you even as we speak...

  9. Cheers graeme, just got back from holiday and it was there waiting for me.



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