Friday 8 June 2007

‘What I’ve been up to and what’s coming up...

There’s only one better than reading a good book and that’s meeting the author who wrote it. If there’s one thing better than meeting an author it’s meeting lots of authors! This is what I did last night at Waterstones in Piccadilly where there was a large gathering of sci-fi/fantasy writers (what’s the collective noun for a bunch of authors?), their publicity guys and a camera crew…
During the course of the evening I managed to have a chat with David Devereux (there to sign copies of ‘Hunter’s Moon’, which is very good by the way) and also managed to get books signed by Steph Swainston and Robert Holdstock, expect to see them reviewed on the blog very soon… The highlight of the evening was meeting Jon Courtenay Grimwood who I originally got into through his ‘cyberpunk’ books but is now writing some damn fine looking crime novels with a sci-fi/fantasy twist…
I came away feeling just a little bit star-struck but definitely up for another one of these the next time it’s in town!

I reckon you must be wondering just what you might find if you dip into the blog over the next few days. Well, I’ll tell you.
I’m neck deep in Steven Erikson’s ‘Reaper’s Gale’ right now and am only just remembering that I need to eat and drink (it’s that good) expect to see my review very soon. Other books due for a review are Trudi Canavan’s ‘Magicians Guild’, Steph Swainston’s ‘The Year of Our War’ and the rather ominous sounding ‘The Words of Their Roaring’ by Matthew Smith (I love zombie books!) It’s been a little while since I’ve given anything away so I’ll probably be doing a competition towards the end of next week…
I’m also looking at posting things that aren’t just reviews. I’m not sure what they’ll be though, you’ll have to come back and find out…
Have a great weekend!

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