Thursday 24 May 2007

Who won the books?

Brian Stabler (Midnighter on the SFX Forum) was quickest off the mark and will be recieving copies of 'The Culled' and 'Kill or Cure' very shortly! Second past the line is a person known only as 'Rich' who just happened to be passing through the SFX Forum and saw my post there. Rich, I need your address or you don't get anything!

Right now I'm reading 'The Stormcaller' (Tom Lloyd), a book that (judging by what I've read so far) was very unfairly stuck in the shadow of 'Lies of Locke Lamora' when it was published last year. I'll have a review up in the next couple of days and I've got two copies to give away as well so stay tuned...


  1. I can't believe I actually won! I look forward to receiving the books. Cheers!

  2. Sorry I'm a bit late, I keep forgetting to check my gmail account.

    Thanks for the books, I'm really rather chuffed. I'm not too used to winning stuff.

  3. Hi Richard!
    I got your email and I'll pop the books in the post this afternoon...


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