Wednesday 2 May 2007

Introducing... David Devereux!

He's a dapper gent (owner of the finest hats in Old London Town) who knows his beer and is a dab hand with aeroplanes! He's also the author of the rather splendid debut novel 'Hunter's Moon', a tale of the unseen battle that a British secret agent wages against the forces of the occult...
visit and read all about the man himself and what he's up to, 'Hunter's Moon' is out next month so he's got a lot on between now and then!
David Devereux will also be the subject of my first ever author interview! Come back here, in the next couple of days, to find out how much beer we drank and what he had to say for himself...

1 comment:

  1. I suspect the answer to "find out how much beer we drank" will be "LOTS" !!

    I shall make a point of checking for the interview - assuming you recover sufficiently to write it up ! ;-D


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