Wednesday 21 March 2007

The Stories So Far...

Right now I'm well into Tad Williams latest book 'Shadowplay'and as soon as it's done I'll be posting my thoughts here (all good thoughts so far!). Next up (courtesy of the nice Mr George Walkley from Orbit Books) is 'The Execution Channel' (Ken Macleod) and 'Twilight' (Stephanie Meyer). Not going to give away too much yet (I only picked the books up this morning!) but 'Twilight' is a vampire love story whilst the press release for 'The Execution Channel' bills it as:

'A strikingly topical thriller, mixing character-led suspense and sweeping geo-politics to provide a radical and compelling snapshot of our world, fifteen minutes in the future'

Sounds like good stuff, it's release date is 6th April 2007 but I'll let you know what I think before then.

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