Way back in May, I ReviewedTom Lloyd's debut fantasy novel 'The Stormcaller'and very good it was too. I'm reading 'The Twilight Herald' (the sequel) at the moment and it is fast shaping up to be just as good, if not better than the original. Expect to see a review in the next few days...
Now, I don't normally do a competition without having reviewed the book first but I've seen enough, so far, to know that I can make an exception in this case. Also, I want to get these three signed copies to people before the new mouse (that's just moved in) develops a taste for paper...
Have a read of the synopsis and see what you think,
Lord Bahl is dead and the young white-eye, Isak, stands in his place; less than a year after being plucked from obscurity and poverty the charismatic new Lord of the Farlan finds himself unprepared to deal with the attempt on his life that now spells war, and the possibility of rebellion waiting for him at home. Now the eyes of the Land turn to the minor city of Scree, which could soon be obliterated as the new Lord of the Farlan flexes his powers. Scree is suffering under an unnatural summer drought and surrounded by volatile mercenary armies that may be its only salvation. This is a strange sanctuary for a fugitive abbot to flee to - but he is only the first of many to be drawn there. Kings and princes, lords and monsters; all walk the sun-scorched streets. As elite soldiers clash after dark and actors perform cruel and subversive plays that work their way into the hearts of the audience, the city begins to tear itself apart - yet even chaos can be scripted. There is a malevolent will at work in Scree, one that has a lesson for the entire Land: nations can be manipulated, prophecies perverted and Gods denied. Nothing lies beyond the reach of a shadow, and no matter how great a man’s power, there some things he cannot be protected from.
Sounds good doesn't it? Well, you know what to do if you fancy a copy. Just drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and where you live. It's that simple! I'll announce the winners next Wednesday.
Good luck!